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Our lab studies the molecular mechanisms that control how progenitors that exist during development differentiate into the broad range of cell types that underpin adult organ function. We integrate single-cell omic approaches with new microscopy and computational tools to understand how genetic changes cause abnormal differentiation in the kidney and model these genetic changes in the renal stem-cell derived organoid with the aim of identifying new treatments for kidney disease.

  • Artificial Kidney Project
  • Whole kidneys grown in culture show how nephrons form
  • Subcellular resolution to progenitor biology
  • Averaged nephron models
  • Surface of embryonic mouse kidney
    Surface of embryonic mouse kidney (2016 Nikon Photomicrography Competition: Image of Distinction)
  • Developing mouse embryonic kidneys (2014 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition: Honorable Mention)
  • Three transgenic kidneys cultured together, showing colliding branching collecting duct systems
    Three transgenic kidneys cultured together, showing colliding branching collecting duct systems (2014 Nikon Photomicrography Competition: 16th Place)
  • Time-lapse: Embryonic mouse kidney development (2013 Olympus BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition: Honorable Mention)
  • Complexity of ureteric bud branching and nephron formation (2012 Nikon Small World in Motion: 3rd Place)
  • Deep imaging through the nephron forming niche